Other Common Forms of Child Abuse That Are Rarely Discussed

There are 4 major types of Child Abuse which are Physical, Sexual, Emotional/Psychological and Neglect. However, there are many forms of child abuse that so-called “good” parents are guilty of all the time. And many have absolutely no idea they’re even doing it. Below is a list of very common abuses that parents often aren’t aware they’re doing.

Feeding Children Bad Foods

I’m a big people watcher and what’s easily discernible from watching people’s shopping carts or eating out, is that lots of people still don’t understand how important eating is. There are scores of things that are high in fat, cholesterol, sodium or sugar, and low in real nutrients always filled in the shopping carts of several parents. It’s no small wonder why obesity has become one of the most serious health issues in America today. No one collapses or gets a disease from eating one bag of chips. However, people slowly kill themselves and lower the quality of life for themselves and their children through many years in a culture of poor eating choices.

The food industry is not your friend. Parents often fall into the trap of uninformed shopping and routinely buy their children the worst foods imaginable. This implements lifelong consequences for the next generation and for society in general.

I spend a good part of my time writing. I go to Starbucks or the library most usually, but once upon a time I used to go to the Wendy’s near my house because I’m often more productive writing outside of my home. Consequently, I frequented Wendy’s mainly for the WiFi service. Personally, I don’t eat much fast food at all, so I usually just ordered a salad and an iced coffee, and maybe some fries every now and then. While at Wendy’s, I began to notice a skinny Asian lady who came into Wendy’s with her son often. The reason she was memorable was because her son was huge! She was skinny, but the little boy was so fat he could hardly walk without looking awkward. Over the course of weeks, I observed this woman bring this kid into Wendy’s for lunch or dinner several days a week, sometimes with other family members or just the two of them. And as always, he was eating burgers, fries, nuggets and soda. Bringing your child to repeatedly scoff down soda and fast food on a regular basis is extremely unintelligent, irresponsible, and yes its child abuse. And if your kid is already fat, it’s even worse. With children who are already obese, parents should be even more conscientious about eating habits. I’d also bet a Wendy’s chili that she has absolutely no clue about the controversy regarding pink slime in fast food meat but I’ll save that one for another blog.

Even though you could see she clearly loved her child and coddled him with physical affection, you could tell she wasn’t the sharpest and her stupidity is killing him. Eating isn’t a small thing, it’s gravely important. Raising a child while ignorant of proper eating habits is immensely problematic for the child’s development, health, and future. Raising small children on fast food simply isn’t wise. 

On several occasions I’ve witnessed young mothers in bodegas buying things for their children, and absolutely none of what they bought could even legitimately be categorized as food. One mother bought her child a Capri Sun, which is basically liquid sugar, some candy and a bag of chips. This is what many people especially in low-income areas, think is a reasonable snack for a child. It isn’t. Young parents today are so inundated with the marketing and promotion of legalized poison passed off as food, that some kids sometimes go entire days eating and drinking nothing but sweet, colored liquids and toxic garbage. In an age in which obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, and countless other ailments are plaguing society, to get your child hooked on toxic junk food routinely is inadvertently cruel. Diseases and health issues don’t come from thin air. Over the course of years people systematically eat themselves sick and don’t even realize it. Obesity among other things is one of the biggest problems in the United States currently. Also, what the FDA and healthcare industry doesn’t explain to the public is that most diseases are self-inflicted as a result of the diet.

One of the worst things a parent can do is pass down bad habits and feed their kids trash. Eating is very serious and parenting is a responsibility. Children may grow up and develop bad habits of their own. However, bad eating habits and garbage food shouldn’t be laid out before them and already habituated before they’re even mature enough to know better.


There are many forms of indoctrination. Some people are fanatical about their religious cult. For others it’s their political views. For some it’s their racial views or bigotry. Many people have things that they are overzealous about and unfortunately people spew their fanaticism into the brains of their children. When it comes to drinking, smoking, having sex, watching R-rated movies, driving, working and practically most things adults do in society, we feel young children are not yet psychologically developed for it and they aren’t—-except when it comes to indoctrinating them with dangerous, fictitious dogma. Cults, extreme religious groups and political organizations jump all over them and have at it.

For example, there are Neo Nazi groups and KKK church cults in which some members dress their children up in regalia and take them out to the streets to spew hatred or separatism. These groups often pay children lots of attention and get them involved and active early. Most Neo Nazi groups are an assortment of unaccomplished, extremely low IQ white trash people who empower themselves with the notion of superiority for being born white. To raise children into carefully edited, limited and filtered history, and toward the mindset of mean-spirited, self-righteous losers who are totally oblivious to the fact that they are detracting embarrassments to the white race that they worship, is both socially regressive and socially toxic.

Speaking of Neo Nazi white Supremacists, a man named Heath Campbell, founder of the “Hitler’s Order Hate Group” is a zealot who named his son Adolf Hitler. That’s child abuse in itself, but he’s also guilty of the conventional perception of child abuse and neglect. He named his other children in the same Nazi inspired way with his daughter’s middle name “Aryan Nation”. I suppose these kids can rule out acting in Hollywood as one of their goals. Like previously mentioned, Heath Campbell is a unaccomplished, low IQ loser on disability who is currently fighting to win back custody of his children who were taken away from him for domestic problems. No surprise there—but hey, he’s white so who cares! However, Campbell being on disability may not recall that Hitler exterminated Jews but also the disabled and “unproductive”. Whatever though, the disabled Campbell is the honorable leader of a Hitler group of clowns. Using his name, Campbell is someone who would make Hitler’s head fall into his hands. A man who can’t even hang on to his own children, or name them appropriately isn’t a man to be followed or taken seriously. Regardless, he’s taken a step too far by naming his children according to his extreme views that they have to carry around for life whether they feel the same, or grow up ashamed. Children are not property and they have their own life course and destinies. If a person chooses to be a costume wearing public pariah, they’re totally free to do so. However, kids shouldn’t be dragged along for the ride until they’re old enough to understand all of the social ramifications.

People never view indoctrination as what it really is; indoctrination is selfish. Indoctrinating a child is refusing to accept the possibility of human fallibility, and shaping the opinions and beliefs of another younger, impressionable generation. This younger generation will most likely adopt those beliefs through trust, learned behavior and institutionalization regardless if those beliefs are positive, correct in ideology, or very negative. Deep down subconsciously, there is a fear in allowing progeny to think for themselves without our strong influence. As human beings we’re always trying to sell our opinions and convictions. Molding children while they’re young and impressionable is a perfect opportunity to put ourselves in front of them and tell them what to believe and how to think. There is a universal code of morals and ethics that we can all raise our children into. However, when we move out of that realm into more opinion based rhetoric, we’re doing more of a disservice to a child’s growth and self-discovery. We should aspire for our children to be better than us in every way possible, but not to be us, faults and all.

There are several zany religious cult members that indoctrinate their children routinely. For many cults, indoctrinating the young is what keeps the game in play, and often with a very ominous deliberated agenda.

For another example, a church group called the WBC has their children in the streets with “God Hates Fags” signs. The God of the Bible they claim to represent never says anything about hating [homosexuals] anywhere. It’s a very human and targeted misinterpretation. Regardless, the young girls of the WBC now speaking for the family cult are regurgitating what they’ve been taught like “Stepford kids” and still have no idea they’re victims of severe brainwashing. They are not healthy free thinkers, and if they lived in a different part of the country or the world, they’d simply be brainwashed to believe something else. Observing their behavior on talk shows, you could see them grow uncomfortable with ideology challenging questions under the intense, watchful eyes of their elders. They clearly don’t want to move away from their talking points and speak too freely. These children were never free to think or reason. And in many cases, children don’t want to face the guilt of disappointing their parents, or being excommunicated or abandoned. Young people such as this might have years of unraveling and therapy in their futures should they ever leave.

When it comes to indoctrination, it’s easy to think of these extreme groups and think it’s only “those people”. Unfortunately, it isn’t. My next sentiments will be met with much opposition from various religious groups. Regardless, truth is truth whether you like it or not. All the main world religions are not based in fact. It’s all faith-based and people choose to believe and adhere to it. That’s just it, it should always be a mature and sober choice. Yet parents still teach it to their children as fact before they’re old enough to have an educated understanding of religious history and an independent thought system.

While writing again in Starbucks, I overheard a mother helping her young son with homework. I’m assuming the child was a Catholic school student because the subject of God arose in something she was helping him with. Completely intrigued, I was totally eaves dropping hard when I heard the kid tell his mother that he doesn’t think he believes in “these things”. I was very surprised by how the boy just came out with that and I wondered how the mother would address him. The mother’s reaction was interesting. She snapped at him and said, “How can you say that?!” As the mother proceeded to reprimand him he clammed up and didn’t say anything further about it. Our attitudes should be different. I’m sure that kid is seeing things on the internet and talking with other kids about what he feels. What the kid said to his mother wasn’t something he did wrong. He simply told her how he felt. When our progeny expresses a different belief system, the institutionalized common reaction kicks in. She seemed like a great mother, spending her time one-on-one helping her son with his work. However, she should have entertained his conversation and allowed him to explain how he felt and why. If she wanted to win his faith, it shouldn’t be through guilt and being reprimanded. I’d imagine that all over the world, there are children raised in different faiths who have had similar experiences. And all over the world, parents continue to suppress, restrict and control the growing minds of their young toward whatever their dogma is. Children don’t belong to us like possessions. They’re gifts; a life energy with souls of their own. This life entails a lot of soul-searching, discovery, lessons to be learned and times to enjoy. Forming the beliefs of children and making them believe as we do is what we think is best for them. However, we serve them better as guides. It’s better to share our convictions with them, explaining why we believe it, and how it improves our lives instead of telling them it’s what they ought to believe. Some of us however, believe so strongly in our faith that this wisdom escapes us. As long as people insist on controlling their children, society will continue to hold itself back.

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Staying Together for the Kids

Many parents stay together in the belief that its best for their children. In some cases that may actually be true when the troubled couple are still friends who love and respect each other, and can pull it off without creating a toxic atmosphere. When both parents are decent people and both good parents, they should definitely try to overcome their problems and make it work to avoid the strain of divorce. However, many couples who want to divorce, fight often, and create a hostile and unhappy environment. These couples are not doing their children any favors staying together. It’s difficult to understand but for many, splitting up is definitely the best option for the mental health of the children, and each other. When a marriage hits a difficult point, most experts advise trying to save the marriage at all costs and to the best of the couple’s ability. In some cases, though, it’s over, and staying together is only hurting everyone. Sometimes one spouse may be abusive or may have an addiction and is a negative presence in the house. Sometimes a couple bring out the worst in each other. Sometimes a couple will never heal from a specific transgression or issue. Couples who have gone passed the point of civility with each other need to realize that staying together is only a good intention, but it damages the child in the end.

Medicating Your Kids

The pharmaceutical industry is a for-profit business. With that said, it’s no surprise that children are being prescribed drugs left and right. Many doctors are even encouraged to. Even I was prescribed Ritalin, but thankfully my mother had the good sense not to go through with that. With my high energy, I went on to have awesome athletic years in High School and College. 

We are in an age of wild and uncontrolled capitalism in which even the medical field can’t be trusted and the youngest members of society are being baited into a life on drugs early. There’s a drug for everything these days. It never gets thoroughly explained to people that many conditions can be reversed or helped with simple dietary changes. If a child is eating right, getting enough sleep, and living in a stress-free non-toxic environment of loving guardians, they’re in good shape. Regardless, drugs should be the absolute last resort for helping a child with “conditions” after you have already researched, explored and attempted healthy and natural alternatives.

Dream Killing

Dream killing is related to indoctrination. Many times parents steer kids away from paths that are not what society would consider practical or lucrative. This is how we snuff the soul out of society and institutionalize the next generation of slaves. Life is a very precious gift. People are drawn to specific things for a reason. It should be nurtured not discouraged. Making a child desert a career path, trade, vocation, or calling should be done carefully with the honest realization that you’d like a better life for your child, which is not necessarily a bad thing. However, in most cases it simply means making more money and having more social prestige. That’s where selfishness kicks in again. We want kids to “succeed” because it makes us proud. It’s better to guide kids knowing that the pursuit of happiness in what a person does should be paramount.

Failure to Discipline

I’ve seen this played out many times. It’s easy to point out bad parents who do bad things to their child. However, there is a polar opposite that is almost just as bad. I have a friend that works with children. One day a particular child who happens to be a bratty handful at times, hurled a horrible derogatory term at another child in the program. It was the type of sadistic slur that could scar a child. Instead of yelling at the child, the instructor asked the child to apologize and in addition to the apology, he had to write an essay on the history of the word he used. You would imagine most mothers to be on board with that. Well, not this kid’s mother. His mother came in and tried to both defend him and relieve him of the responsibility of writing the essay, while making several excuses for him. It was absolutely mind-boggling, but unfortunately some parents do this. This mother had no interest in the other child who was victimized by her child. Nor did she have an interest in the fact that her child is often hard to deal with in social settings in her absence. She was only there to explain her child out of responsibility and culpability for the infraction. According to staff members, apparently this is what she always does.

Then there are those parents who try to appease their children too much, always trying to be their friend instead of a parent. These are the types of parents who rarely find themselves disciplining their children or giving them any tools they need for development and maturation. When these children grow up to be selfish or with very negative characters and dispositions, they need to understand that they are largely to blame. Parents such as this cannot control their love and protection of their child, and it’s consequently destroying them. Parents like this allow their children to become delusional, irrational, dogmatic, and used to being shielded and excused from the consequences of their actions which is not how the world works. This is not a sensationalized statement, but this is exactly how murderers and sociopaths can be made. It’s that serious. When parents place their children above discipline, morals and coexistence with others, they are ruining them far beyond their understanding. It’s possible, but very difficult for children in this circumstance of bad parenting to grow up to be good, respectable people. Parenting isn’t just about unconditional love of a child, it’s also a responsibility.

Children as our Legacy

We human beings can either pass forward social progression and wisdom, or we can halt progression and pass forward stupidity and institutions to the next generations. The ball is in our court. Many of us have been institutionalized ourselves with beliefs, habits, routines and ideologies and inadvertently become agents of institutionalization to children. The best way to break those chains and move toward a more enlightened perspective is to know what you don’t know and respect it. When it comes to children, one of our greatest societal contributions could simply be allowing another generation to be better than us and less contaminated by the various forms of mind control or poor mental and physical health. The cliché quote still reigns true to this day, “The children are the future”. Life is always a challenge in which simply not repeating mistakes of the past in and of itself, is a huge act of responsibility with unfathomable positive results that ripple forward.

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  1. “The children are the future” very true !!!
    I think that most of people need to think a lot before they take the decision to have a child ,because that involve responsibilities and dedication. Every parents must give his child a basis of education and try to let him to take a few decision to feel what responsibility means ,not to implement his ideas and try to grow his child with a wrong concept and into a sick environment.


  2. Excellent and insightful. Much agreed!


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